
Become a Legacy Changer

Join the growing community of Christian women and married couples learning how to master their money and simplify their financial freedom.

One-on-One Coaching - Updates coming soon



Becoming a Legacy Changers will give you access to the financial literacy and financial freedom you’ve been looking for. If you’ve ever said or felt any of the following statements, you need to be a part of our community:

  • “I’m in this alone.”
  • “I just need someone to help me with my finances!”
  • “I don’t have anyone to talk to about my money problems.”
  • “I don’t want to be judged or feel ashamed for what I don’t know.”

A Legacy Changer is someone who:

  • Honors God
  • Believes in leaving a legacy of wealth for their family
  • Has realistic expectations about improving their finances
  • Is self-motivated and willing to step out of their comfort zone
  • Practices stewardship (giving) or desires to practice stewardship

Any participant will be able to enroll in monthly or annual membership for the online platform. However, the academy does not accept every applicant into in-person one-on-one coaching, the group cohorts and masterminds.

An applicant may be denied acceptance or participation may be terminated if the person exhibits any of the following behaviors:

  • Complacent or hyper-focused on finding problems instead of solutions
  • Unwillingness to make necessary sacrifices and changes to achieve best results
  • Refusal to accept accountability and responsibility for their lack of involvement in the academy
  • Defiance or not complying with academy policies

Academy Policies

Session Etiquette

Here at Legacy Changers Academy (LCA) we pride ourselves on providing members with a safe space to prevent feelings of isolation, shame, and embarrassment. In order to maintain a healthy community where believers can talk about money, share information, and learn about financial literacy, the following etiquette is required during each session:

Cancellation Policy

Online only memberships can be cancelled at anytime. For in person one-on-one coaching, cohorts and masterminds membership must be cancelled 14 calendar days prior the start of the first session. 

Refund Policy

Monthly online only memberships are non-refundable. For annual memberships, a partial refund will be provided only for remaining, unused months. For the one-on-one coaching refund policy, please refer to the Coaching Services Agreement terms and conditions. 

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